Re: MISC: Internet Media Type registration: proposed TAG finding

From: Dan Connolly <>
Subject: Re: MISC: Internet Media Type registration: proposed TAG finding
Date: 29 May 2002 20:27:11 -0500

> On Fri, 2002-05-24 at 23:05, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:


> > But according to your rules, any method of providing meaning for this
> > extension is adequate.
> No, only those that are monotonic. i.e. when you specify an extension,
> you can only throw out models; you can't put any back in.
> >  OK, the method that I will use is that it means
> > what I mean it to mean.  
> So long as it's monotonic, then you haven't provided an example
> that ...

Suppose we have 

<ex:John> <ex:loves> <ex:Mary> .

<_:s1> <rdf:type> <rdf:Statement> .
<_:s1> <rdf:subject> <var:?x> .
<_:s1> <rdf:predicate> <ex:loves> .
<_:s1> <rdf:object> <var:?y> .

<_:s2> <rdf:type> <rdf:Statement> .
<_:s2> <rdf:subject> <var:?a> .
<_:s2> <rdf:predicate> <var:?b> .
<_:s2> <rdf:object> <var:?c> .

<_:s1> <log:implies> <_:s2> .

The non-RDF part of this document, i.e., the meaning of log:implies as a
form of logical implication, completely changes the meaning of foo:loves.

Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Bell Labs Research

Received on Thursday, 30 May 2002 09:29:01 UTC