re: rdf inclusion

Given the intentional limitations of DAML+OIL with regard to logical
expresiveness, the relevant portion of the Cyc deductive inference engine
is what we call Subsumption Based Heuristic Layer (SBHL).  The internal
representation is a graph of the subsumption relationships in the DAML
class, instance and property objects, enabling deduction to proceed in the
same manner as I understand description logic implementations.

Cyc's explanation of the inference chain for a typical DAML inference
might be:

Q: Does a dog have fur?

A: Yes, because dogs are a subclass of mammal, and mammals have the fur

Q: Does a plant have fur?

A: No, because the class of plants is disjoint with the class of animals,
and the class of animals are the only things I know of having the fur

Cyc need not be singled out for particular discussion given the numerous
subsumption-based RDF-triple deductive inference implementations, because
the higher order, more complex inference methods (for example
backchaining) do not get used in a strict DAML+OIL representation.

Regards to Cyc contributors on this list.

On Thu, 23 May 2002, R.V.Guha wrote:

> I did not say that Cyc has a model theory. Nor did I say that it is predictable in its current form. However, I
> do believe that it can be made predictable, etc. with good software engineering, i.e., without a model theory.

Stephen L. Reed                  phone:  512.342.4036
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Received on Wednesday, 29 May 2002 12:47:41 UTC