Re: A Single Foundational Logic for the Semantic Web

(Sorry it has taken so long to reply to this.)

>  > Sandro Hawke writes:
>>  > > [Pat Hayes]
>>  > > None of this [stuff about programming] has anything to do with what
>>  > > the RDF/DAML/OWL development effort is about, seems to me.
>>  >
>>  > That statement is both outrageous and totally understandable.  We're
>>  > arguing with some pretty ambiguous terms here.   I'll try to be more
>>  > precise; stop me when go wrong.  (like I have to say that....)
>Perhaps I should have said: Pat, you're right that the DAML/OWL effort
>is not about programming; that's why I put them at Layer 3 [1].  RDF,
>however, is going to be very useful for the programming side of

That remark suggests a distinction between RDF and DAML/OWL which is 
completely different from the distinction assumed by the people in 
the working groups concerned. You seem to see RDF as an 
implementation language (?), whereas the prevailing assumption is 
that RDF is a simple logical language which is extended by DAML and 
OWL. I have to say I find your notion hard to take seriously. If I 
were looking for a programming language for just about any task, I 
would be hard pressed to come up with any reason to use RDF. I'd 
rather program in assembler than in RDF.

>  (Some OWLers might think it's best left entirely for the
>programming side of things, I suppose.)  My good-but-imperfect
>understanding of the Semantic Web effort suggests that programming is

Well, of COURSE programming is important. The fact that you feel that 
this needs saying suggests that we may not be communicating very 
effectively. (Also, I do not know what you mean by the "programming 
side of things". As opposed to what, exactly?)

>but let me spell that out more clearly below.
>Peter F. Patel-Schneider writes:
>>  To me, Pat has hit the nail squarely on the head here (and, conversely,
>>  Sandro is making no sense to me).
>>  If what you want is a univeral computational mechanism, and, moreover, one
>>  that no-one will read directly, then any Turing-complete computational
>>  mechanism will work, be it Post production systems, the lambda calculus,
>>  the Java virtual machine (or whatever it is called), or even deduction in
>>  first-order logic.  Taken in another way, if this *is* what you want, then
>>  there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to use deduction in some logic
>>  that can encode the operations of Turing machines.  You may as well use a
>>  nice (for both humans and non-humans, if this is possible) programming
>>  language.  Computer scientists, and, especially, designers of programming
>>  languages, spend a lot of time on this issue.
>>  If, however, you want to represent information, and, perhaps, even transmit
>>  that information to other computational devices (including both human and
>>  non-human computational devices), then you are in a very different world.
>>  In this better world, computational adequacy is no longer the metric to
>>  use.  Instead some version of representational adequacy is much preferable,
>>  tangled up with computational issues.  Logicians, and, hopefully, designers
>>  of knowledge representation formalisms, spend a lot of time on these issues.
>I think both worlds ought to exist on the same Semantic Web.

Of course they will. They both 'exist' in every piece of deployed 
software that performs inferences. (We are all agreeing violently, it 

>  What we
>might call the "programmable" Semantic Web (layer 2) will provide a
>way for many flexible knowledge representations formalisms (in layer
>3) to be widely deployed and usable.

First, what do you mean by 'layers' here? (The terminology is unclear 
and could mean many different things.) I see no reason to invoke any 
Second, what do you mean by 'flexible'? Again, that could mean all 
sorts of things, but Im suspicious that you might want it to mean 
something like 'miraculous'.
Third, what does it mean for *many* Krep formalisms to be 'deployed 
and usable' on the SW? For example, suppose that I publish some 
content on my website in formalism A and your deployed web engine 
reads formalism B. They are both 'deployed', both 'on' the web, but 
they can't understand each other.

>  Without it, such formalism will
>see much less use.  The basic information formalism of RDF (layer 1)
>is good enough to layer 2.

Good enough in what sense?

>From your characterization of the programmable Semantic Web, and the
>divide between the two, I clearly haven't explained it well.  In
>particular, I haven't explained why it should be programmed using any
>non-traditional techniques of have any KR slant.  I'm afraid I have to
>start at the beginning....
>In my view, the Semantic Web is a global distributed database with no
>guarantee of system-wide coherence.  It works by information providers
>making available serializations of RDF statements, tagged as being
>believed by some party at some point in time.

Well, if you hadn't specified RDF, then I would broadly agree.

>Information consumers
>receive or harvest these tagged serializations and use them to make
>decisions (taking into account the author and timestamp information).
>Many parties will be both provider and consumer, of course.
>One particularly interesting kind of provider-and-consumer lives in a
>little box, interacting only with the Semantic Web, gathering
>statements and issuing new ones.  This box is rather like the
>state-machine part of a Turing machine, only instead of reading and
>modifying an infinite tape, it reads and modifies an RDF Graph.

No, its not at all like a Turing machine controller. A TMC is an 
arbitrary finite-state machine, and is not bound by any kind of 
semantics. (That is why one can make universal ones.) A TMC does not 
manipulate *statements* or *draw conclusions* from them. Moreover, 
there is no notion of state in RDF, so there is no state to change, 
so one cannot support arbitrary computations within RDF (you can't 
even sort a list or increment a register in RDF.)

RDF graphs are both more and less than a Turing machine tape: they 
are a special kind of medium that cannot be erased or changed but 
which is required to conform to a global semantic set of 
interpretation rules.

>One can imagine many kinds of boxes like this, perhaps performing RDFS
>inference, computing the number for the final box in a mortgage
>interest calculation, or deciding whether to grant read-access to some
>web page.

Those are very different kinds of activity, and the second two would 
be awkward and potentially dangerous to do in RDF. For example, how 
would you represent that 'final box' idea in RDF? Would that be a 
triple that mentioned a relationship between an entity called a 'box' 
and a number? Or would it mention a relationship between a person and 
a number? How would it indicate that the number was intended to be in 
dollars? That would presumably be in another triple. But since RDF 
graphs entail their subgraphs it would be valid to remember the 
number and just forget about the fact that it was in dollars. Hmmm. I 
would much prefer my mortgage handler to use a more traditional 
vector-based DB format, myself. Also, suppose my circumstances were 
to change, what process could erase the old data and replace it with 
a new estimate?

>  Each of these is a computer program which looks at SemWeb
>data and adds more.  They view the SemWeb as a database, and they
>participate the same as everyone else: they release serializations of
>RDF statements, tagged as believed by them at some point in time.
>It would be very convenient if these boxes didn't have to be servers
>running in a warehouse somewhere.  That might work, if they had a good
>way to find out new facts so they could add their output quickly, but
>we'd really like them to behave rather differently.  We'd like them to
>(1) be virtualized and mobile, instantiated in software near any user
>who needs the information they can provide, and (2) only provide the
>data needed to answer queries, not fill the web with unwanted (but
>true) conclusions.
>The first goal can be met by building a "universal" box, one which
>reads from the Semantic Web not only the input for some other
>("virtual") box, but also a sufficient description of that box.

No, it cannot be done that way, for several reasons. First, RDF isn't 
a powerful enough language to describe any kind of inference box. But 
even if it were, it would be just as capable of describing an invalid 
reasoning box as a valid one. So if we allow this, then we have no 
guarantees of correctness of inference at all. We might as well just 
use Java as the SW language.

In any case, I fail to see how the 'universal' idea contributes to 
the problem you mention. You want web agents to be mobile, right? OK, 
use a mobile-agent technology. That has very little to do with Turung 
universality of computation (ironically, to make computations mobile 
what you need to transfer is more like the Turing machine tape than 
the controller box: it's the computational state (often idealized as 
environment plus continuation) that you need to 'move' in order to 
make the agent mobile, not the VM.)

>these, it emulates the virtual box and produces the same output.

Sounds like the Java VM.

>Everyone can have at least one of these universal boxes running on
>their computer or a nearby server.  This universal/virtual step may
>look bizarre to some people, but of course it's the same as imagining
>a universal Turing machine or building a [ gasp!  :-) ] *programmable*

Right, it's trivial. And it misses the point, which is to have some 
kind of semantic coherence in the inference-making process, so that 
these agents scattered over the planet are in some sense talking the 
same language at one another. This is *not* just a matter of getting 
universal computation.

>For the second problem, it helps to think of boxes-generating-
>statements as inference rules firing.

So any Turing machine is an inference rule?

>  Letting them run at will is
>like forward chaining, and we solve the unwanted-information-glut
>problem by using them in backward chaining.

That doesn't solve it, it just renames it. (Read up something about 
inference search techniques. )

>  When we ask, "What number
>is in this last box of my mortgage interest calculation?" our nearby
>universal box finds and instantiates the virtual box that can answer
>our question and runs it just long enough to do so.
>Of course the input to one virtual box might only be generated by
>another virtual box.  If you chain a lot of them together, and break
>each complex box down into very simple boxes, it sounds a lot like
>logic programming.

Yes. Very, very simple, and very, very slow logic programming. That's 
assuming of course that those boxes really are like inference rules. 
I see no reason to suppose that they will be, however, so in fact 
this seems more like general-purpose backtracking search, and forget 
the 'logic' part.

>I'm not saying we have to use Prolog, though.  When a virtual box
>wants to do something very complicated, perhaps it would be more
>efficient to provide some machine code which has the same effect;
>that's fine with me.  It might also be easier for some people to use a
>procedural lanuage to express the behavior of the box they want;
>that's also fine with me.  We can translate, or perhaps deploy a
>procedure-oriented universal box.
>At this point I'm only arguing that building a universal box is
>possible and useful.  Later, we can try to build one that's fast and
>easy to use.   (Later, but the sooner the better, of course.  There
>may not be many deployment windows.)
>It may turn out that a Java virtual machine, with some installed
>chaining and SemWeb access framework is an excellent universal box,
>but I think building one based on Prolog is probably a lot easier.
>(The Java approach is absolutely workable though.  I worked in that
>space for years before deciding a Prolog approach was easier.
>Javaspaces [2] and the Observer pattern [3] are steps in this
>I hope you now understand better where I'm coming from.

I understand it. Unfortunately, it only confirms my impression that 
you don't understand the basic issues in the semantic web effort.

>I don't know
>if you care about the design of the universal box. I don't know if you
>agree with my assertion (which I haven't yet tried to justify) that
>the universal box has a better chance of wide deployment than many

Well, in a sense that is a given, since there are probably more 
deployed copies of the Java VM than we will ever need. But it is also 
completely irrelevant.

>  It doesn't matter all that much if we go separate ways for
>now.  (I can imagine conflicts in RDF Core, like Dark Triples.   We'll
>see.)  I am still very interested in your ongoing critique of my
>proposed formal semantics for the universal box (in a neighboring
>thread), for which I hope to provide new grist shortly.

I'll do my best. Which thread is that??


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