[Q to implementers] log:includes' Hell...


I'm still working on my impl. of log:includes.
CWM documentation says it understands it natively.
But I can't find any information on its formal definition.

The thing is i do support log:implies by rewriting formulas
to something like FOL, which has shape:

forAll <vars> st(<s>, <p>, <o>) <-
	exists <eqVars> <body>

So i tried to implement log:includes based on a set more core

Stuff to explore formulas

Stuff to compare statements

And stuff to tests syntactical containance of a statement

But i'm not very sure if i missed some points in my implementation,
as i can't find any information (except in the log schema) about it.
I put it as an attached document and i would be very very welcome
if an N3 expert could look at it and give me some feed-back.

Thanks very much to all. Didier.

PS: phpMetadata will be GPL licensed. It yet contains a
backward-chaining reasonner decoupled by some interfaces
from three parsers (Triple, N3 and of course RDF/XML).
It will be available soon (when log:includes is finished :))
at http://sw.phpapp.org/
Any motivated help will be very appreciated.

Received on Thursday, 20 June 2002 07:17:13 UTC