Re: rdf inclusion

Here's a test case for rdf/daml inclusion:

   I have two RDF files of instance data using ontology
   O1.  O1 is available on the web at two different addresses, and 
   File a.rdf imports O1-a, file b.rdf imports O1-b, but are otherwise
   identical.  The contents of O1-a and O1-b are identical.

   Is the meaning of a.rdf and b.rdf supposed to be exactly the
   same for all systems, or are applications allowed to hard-code
   "", along with perhaps some human
   understand gathered from a telephone conversation between the
   programmer and the ontology creator?

My sense is that the string "" really is
special and can be hard-coded, along with ontology information which
is not machine-readable.   This feels more scruffy but more workable.

    -- sandro

Received on Friday, 26 April 2002 11:24:05 UTC