Re: Properties of Properties Question

>[Dickinson, Ian J]
>>  From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider []
>>  > I'm still a bit confused.
>>  >
>>  > There are a number of things that you could be asking for:
>>  >
>>  > 1/ The ability to associate information with assertions.  (In
>>  > RDF terms
>>  >    this would probably be using a statement as the subject of another
>>  >    statement, which can't be done in RDF.)  What you would be
>>  > trying to do
>>  >    below would be to restrict the kinds of information that can be
>>  >    associated with a particular assertion.  This can't be
>>  > done in DAML+OIL
>>  >    because assertions cannot have associated information.
>>  I can see a role for things in category 1/.  A simple example, common in
>>  many knowledge bases, would be to say "this assertion is 50% likely to be
>>  true", or "this assertion holds under the following preconditions".
>>  Separate from the logical properties of the assertion**, it might be nice
>>  just to be able to record the provenance of an assertion for auditing or
>>  explanation purposes
>Well, the assertion is a triple so once you reify it you can association
>information with it by making assertions about the reified statement.  Isn't
>that precisely what reification is for?

Ive been wondering what reification was for. Tell me, how does saying 
something about a reified statement tell one anything about the 
(unreified) statement?

Pat Hayes
IHMC					(850)434 8903   home
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Received on Wednesday, 24 October 2001 16:18:45 UTC