RE: Properties of Properties Question

From: Thomas B. Passin []
> Well, the assertion is a triple so once you reify it you can 
> association information with it by making assertions about the 
> reified statement.  Isn't
> that precisely what reification is for?
Yes, that's what I had previously assumed, but if a reified statement is
still a statement then it contradicts this claim from Peter Patel-Schneider

>> (In RDF terms
>> this would probably be using a statement as the 
>> subject of another
>> statement, which can't be done in RDF.)

which he re-inforced with the following:

>> This can't be done in DAML+OIL
>> because assertions cannot have associated information.

Hence my confusion.


Received on Wednesday, 24 October 2001 04:59:53 UTC