Re: RDF Abstract Syntax: a strawman

   [jonathan borden]

   <:not, /2,,,,1,true>
   <:color, :sky, :blue,,,2,false>

   and still the model fits into a single table. my impression is that this
   would be more efficient, especially for agents like Palm's etc. The key is
   to pick the sweet spot on the continuum between triples and full blown XML.

Jonathan's proposal seems like a big improvement on triples.  (Let me
make sure everyone understands that the "false" in the second tuple
does not assert that it is false; it just asserts that it is
unasserted.  The other tuple asserts that it is false.)

In Jonathan's original article
he gave this example:

   The Squish query: 
     (dc:creator, foo, ?x)(foaf:mbox, ?x, 

   is represented as: 

Shouldn't there be some indication of how the variable ?x is scoped?  
Possibly my guesses as to how Squish works are wide of the mark; but
the issue will arise elsewhere.

                                             -- Drew McDermott

Received on Tuesday, 29 May 2001 08:51:24 UTC