Re: RDF Abstract Syntax: a strawman

Jonathan Borden wrote:
> > RDF. (

I applied the idea of abstract syntax to RDF
and found that it matched quite straightforwardly;
triples stayed triples:
  $Id: RDFAbSyn.lsl,v 1.5 2001/03/30 18:42:44 connolly Exp $

Heck... it's short enough to include the jist of it here:

RDFAbSyn: trait
    % RDF abstract syntax uses URIs for symbols

    % a formula is a set of atoms (arcs);
    Set(Atomic, Formula for Set[E])

    Atomic tuple of
      predicate: Term,
      subject: Term,
      object: Term
    % this is called a Statement (also: arc?)
    % in the RDF 1.0 spec
    % hmm... are predicates
    % limited to constants?
    % The RDF 1.0 syntax suggests
    % so, but n3 doesn't have that
    % restriction

    Term union of const: URI, ex: Existential
    % The RDF 1.0 specs sorta
    % call these resources, but
    % resources are the things
    % that terms denote.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Saturday, 26 May 2001 10:06:20 UTC