Re: Not-subClassOf

> Great... The difference is that Corey's method is to say
> that there is some class that obeys there rules, and your
> method is to say that there is some instance of that class.
> So, is it better to say "these classes are arranged thus",
> or "there is an instance which obeys these rules"?

True, they are indeed similar
  [ a :X, [ daml:complementOf :Y ] ].
  [ daml:subClassOf :X, [ daml:complementOf :Y ] ].

> Are there any advantages at all to either method?

We actually could ask "what do the ontologists want?"...
[it's my experience that instances are useful as
terms in axioms, but I have to think about it]

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Wednesday, 23 May 2001 14:42:37 UTC