RE: Why Triples? (was Re: What do the ontologists want)

[Ziv's cinema example]
> Well, no, there IS a way, as you go on to describe, if you are willing to
> introduce new entities.

True. In RDF/N3 it could look like

@prefix : <#>.
[ :month "April"; :city "Tel Aviv";
  :cinema "Globus"; :theatre "1"; :film "Pokemon 2" ].
[ :month "April"; :city "Tel Aviv";  :cinema "Globus";
  :theatre "1"; :film "Gladiator" ].
[ :month "April"; :city "Tel Aviv";  :cinema "Globus";
  :theatre "2"; :film "Miss Congeniality" ].
[ :month "April"; :city "Tel Aviv";  :cinema "Peer";
  :theatre "1"; :film "Miss Congeniality" ].
[ :month "April"; :city "Tel Aviv";
  :cinema "Peer";   :theatre "2"; :film "Cast Away" ].
[ :month "April"; :city "Jerusalem";
  :cinema "Gil";    :theatre "1"; :film "Pokemon 2" ].
[ :month "April"; :city "Jerusalem";
  :cinema "Gil";    :theatre "2"; :film "Proof of Life" ].
[ :month "April"; :city "Jerusalem";
  :cinema "Globus"; :theatre "1"; :film "15 Minutes" ].
[ :month "April"; :city "Jerusalem";
  :cinema "Globus"; :theatre "2"; :film "102 Dalmatians" ].
[ :month "May";   :city "Tel Aviv";
  :cinema "Globus"; :theatre "1"; :film "Pokemon 2" ].
[ :month "May";   :city "Tel Aviv";
  :cinema "Globus"; :theatre "1"; :film "Billy Elliot" ].
[ :month "May";   :city "Tel Aviv";
  :cinema "Globus"; :theatre "2"; :film "The Mummy" ].
[ :month "May";   :city "Tel Aviv";
  :cinema "Peer";   :theatre "1"; :film "The Mummy" ].
[ :month "May";   :city "Tel Aviv";
  :cinema "Peer";   :theatre "2"; :film "Exit Wounds" ].
[ :month "May";   :city "Jerusalem";
  :cinema "Gil";    :theatre "1"; :film "Pokemon 2" ].
[ :month "May";   :city "Jerusalem";
  :cinema "Gil";    :theatre "2"; :film "The Mummy" ].
[ :month "May";   :city "Jerusalem";
  :cinema "Globus"; :theatre "1"; :film "A Hard Day's Night" ].
[ :month "May";   :city "Jerusalem";
  :cinema "Globus"; :theatre "2"; :film "15 Minutes" ].

[not sure about barock, looks more like cubism]
And then one could query in whatever way like

@prefix log: <>.
@prefix : <ziv.n3#>.
{[ :month "May";   :city :c;
   :cinema "Globus"; :theatre :t; :film :f ]} log:forAll :c, :t, :f.

and the result could be something like

# Generated with Euler 26.047 on Sun May 20 01:21:00 CEST 2001
# @prefix log: <>.
# @prefix : <file:/n3/ziv.n3#>.
# {[ :month "May"; :city :c; :cinema "Globus"; :theatre :t; :film :f]  } log:forAll :c, :t, :f.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix : <file:/n3/ziv.n3#>.
[ :month "May"; :city "Tel Aviv";
  :cinema "Globus"; :theatre "1"; :film "Pokemon 2"]  .
[ :month "May"; :city "Tel Aviv";
  :cinema "Globus"; :theatre "1"; :film "Billy Elliot"]  .
[ :month "May"; :city "Tel Aviv";
  :cinema "Globus"; :theatre "2"; :film "The Mummy"]  .
[ :month "May"; :city "Jerusalem";
  :cinema "Globus"; :theatre "1"; :film "A Hard Day's Night"]  .
[ :month "May"; :city "Jerusalem";
  :cinema "Globus"; :theatre "2"; :film "15 Minutes"]  .
# Proof found for file:/n3/ziv-query.n3 in 18 steps (4133 steps/sec)

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Saturday, 19 May 2001 19:30:44 UTC