Re: What do the ontologists want

From: "pat hayes" <>

> >From: "pat hayes" <>
> >
> > > But whatever you call it, the point is that the *logical* syntax in
> > > this case is NOT the triples, but these more complicated structures
> > > that are being implemented as sets of triples. So we need to somehow
> > > specify the rules for what counts as being well-structured (not every
> > > set of triples will be) and we will probably need a few
> > > datastructuring primitives (like end-of-chain markers, cf. Lisp NIL.)
> > > In other words, we will have to do a little work. Just a tad, but we
> > > will need to do it. Sorry if that's not anarchic enough. (There isnt
> > > anything odd or exotic about all this, let me emphasize: its is just
> > > ordinary bread-and-butter datastructure design. We really do teach it
> > > to our undergraduates.)
> >
> >Yes triples combine to form more complex structures.  The individual
> >that compose those larger structures cannot be isolated and mean
> >But it is a slippery slope as to where you draw the line ... and i think
> >that is true of any  kind of logic that deals with reality.
> Most (all?) of the logics I know draw this particular line very
> sharply, so I don't see it as very slippery at all.

Obviously you dont see the slope .. oh well!

> >In other words
> >it is the behavior of the entire graph (model) that has meaning, not an
> >individual piece.
> Well, scrub round 'behavior' (graphs don't behave. At best, an
> interpreter of a graph might behave, but thats not the meaning.).

Ok point taken:  Graph+interpreter yields behavior.

> And
> the basic idea of 'language' is that the meaning of a complex
> statement can be somehow composed from the meanings of its parts.
> (Thats what people often call the principle of compositionality, and
> it applies to things like diagrams and maps as well as text.)

Well I think there are a number of 20th century semanticist that would
dispute that rather vigourously.  But my point is that if you have a system
where graph+interperter yields behavior, then the easiest way to predict the
behaviro of the system after you remove selected statements is to run the
interperter on the mutated graph.  I don't see where the principal of
compositionality comes into play.  The interrelated linguistic statements in
a system are not like a pile of bricks ... nor will they ever be, regardless
of the language.  Me thinks such a requirement is an absurbity.

> > The simplest case of this that I can think of is the
> >concept 'give' ... {John gave candy to Mary} .... I have coded this in
> >tripels for you amusement [1].  It is just this kind of conceptual
> >dependency (as Shank called it) that triples do well.
> I dont see that triples do it particularly *well*. They can do it,
> but so can almost anything that can encode directed graphs.

Well actually triples will outperform fixed place predicates in a
distributed KB like the Semantic Web.  (See Stephen Reed's post today about
CycL) One reason is that we can add slots to concepts rather easily (see
[1]) without breaking the whole structure,  but to add a term to a fixed
place predicate we need to rewrite all the old instances. Doing that is
absolutely not practical in the Wild West of the Web.



Received on Friday, 18 May 2001 19:54:53 UTC