RE: What do the ontologists want

This discussion seems to be devolving into yet another impasse. I suggest
that we all back up a bit.

Instead of going round again about reification, why don't we start by coming
up with a comprehensive list of everything we want to be able to say/do in
RDF. Perhaps someone is willing to establish a simple web page to collect
all the ideas. Then we can organize them into some logical order.

Once we have them in order, we can decide which ones have already been
accomplished, which ones everyone agrees are doable, and which ones appear
insurmountable. Then maybe we can get that basic RDF together and have
something workable while argument continues on the difficult areas like

Otherwise, (speaking as more of an observer than a participant) we seem to
be spinning our wheels and going nowhere. And while we're here smoking the
tires someone else is going to come along (or already has) and invent
something halfway workable and we'll be left behind in the dust and smoke.
(Have I sufficiently beaten that metaphor to death?)

Charles F. Munat
Seattle, Washington

Received on Tuesday, 15 May 2001 18:01:13 UTC