Re: performatives and trust

>From: "pat hayes" <>
> > Tim, greetings. Thanks for the pointers, but I think that this is
> > still too limited. It is not clear to me that web publication is very
> > much like speech acts at all. Speech acts take place between
> > creatures which have a social life and carefully distinguish between
> > their private thoughts from their public assertions, neither of which
> > apply here. In some ways, putting an ontology onto the web is more
> > like electronic telepathy than speech, and the communication problems
> > are rather like those that would probably arise if my brain had the
> > problem of making sense of your thoughts.  I think we need some
> > entirely new ways of thinking about this. For example, what would be
> > the common ground (in Herb Clark's sense) of a telepathic
> > 'conversation'?

> Such social transactions provide far
>more relivant results.  What we need are atuomated agents to assist  our
>social processes; not some kind of group think.

I disagree. Or at any rate, this isnt what I see the semantic web as 
primarily concerned with. (BTW, I think human social processes are 
just fine without 'agents' getting in the damn way. )

>  The future internet is *NOT* a communication media for the Borg !!!

No, I did not mean to imply that it was like HUMAN telepathy. I meant 
that the kind of internal/external contrast that is so central in 
human communication (as when you are not sure what someone is 
thinking in spite of what they are saying) seems to be missing for 
web ontology agents: they can see it all, as it were, and what they 
see is all there is. There aren't any other thoughts behind the 
ontologies, and they don't have to worry about whether the ontologies 
are thinking one thing and saying another. If ontology agents were 
humans - which of course they are not - we would call this telepathy.
I probably shouldnt have used such a poetic way of expressing myself. 
Sorry if I caused confusion.

Pat Hayes

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Received on Tuesday, 5 June 2001 21:46:16 UTC