Re: rdf as a base for other languages

>Once you start to "interpret" triples with a host formalism, you may
>easily get rid of reification if you interpret it as nesting.

But how do you tell which reifications are to be interpreted as 
nesting and which are to be interpreted as reification? Because 
reification, if understood as being, indeed, reification, is not 
nesting. That was the point of my reply to Sandro: what we need are 
ways to use subexpressions without mentioning them and without 
asserting them. "Nesting" is a good word for this.

> You "only" have to write useful mappings and axioms to deal with
this nesting.

In what language? If we had a language to write axioms and rules 
which could deal  with this stuff, all our problems would be solved. 
That is where we came in.

Pat Hayes

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Received on Monday, 4 June 2001 22:50:18 UTC