Re: Why? Re: rdf as a base for other languages

> > I really really don't mean to _assert_ that the diagnosis is one in that
> > particular list.
> >
> > What I do wish to assert is the <if> expression. The problem with RDF as it
> > is currently defined (statement == triple == fact) is that I cannot assert
> > an expression created of multiple statements (i.e. a subgraph) apparently
> > without asserting each of the subgraphs within the subgraph.
>(repeating Dan Connolly yesterday...)
>This seems to be a common myth.  Where in the current definition of
>RDF does it say that you cannot describe (mention) a triple without
>asserting (using) it?

The point is not MENTIONING a triple without using it (that you can 
do by reifying it), but that one needs to be able to USE it without 
asserting it. For example, if I assert (not P), I am using P, not 
mentioning it - that would be
(not 'P ) -  but am definitely not asserting it. In general, whenever 
one asserts a propositional expression, other than a conjunction, 
they are using its subexpressions without asserting them.

RDF seems to provide no way to do this. If this impression is 
mistaken, please someone disabuse me as soon as possible.


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Received on Monday, 4 June 2001 22:03:19 UTC