Re: rdf as a base for other languages

>If RDF wanted to do one or the other, i.e.,
>    store only ground facts (triples)
>    store encodings of more-complex information interpreted using
>    standardized extensions,
>then I would not have a problem.  However, the two are, in my mind,
>completely incompatible.

I must say (but I better should go to my bed) that I think otherwise.
If we write (in N3)
  [ :a :b].
we actually understand that as the statement
  [ :a :b] null null.
(null in the sense of empty (implemented as a Java null))
so that means that we actually DON'T assert statement
  _:anonid :a :b.
(that _ stands for an anonymous namespace prefix)
but are still able to compute unifiers for resolution.
Also writing
  :s :p [ :q :o].
is asserting statement
 :s :p _:anonid.
but is NOT asserting statement
  _:anonid :q :o.

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Friday, 1 June 2001 20:37:39 UTC