Fw: Attention Users! (2 in a series)

Hello all,

I was advised to "ask the DAML folks" to help clarifying 
rdf:about usage in DAML.

I would very much appreciate if somebody 
could explain why this syntax:

<daml:Disjoint rdf:parseType="daml:collection">
  <daml:Class rdf:about="#Car"/>
  <daml:Class rdf:about="#Person"/>

was used instead of

<daml:Disjoint rdf:parseType="daml:collection">
  <daml:Class rdf:resource="#Car"/>
  <daml:Class rdf:resource="#Person"/>

Aaron Swartz expalined that 
rdf:about is used here to denote subject, as opposed to object.
But from the other side it translates into tripples

| <#Car> a daml:Class .
| <#Person> a daml:Class .
| [ a daml:Disjoint; daml:first <#Car>; daml:rest (<#Person>) ] .

where both <#Car> and <#Person> are objects.

So why rdf:about was selected over rdf:resource ?



Nikita Ogievetsky, Consultant
Cogitech Inc.  XSLT and  topic maps tutorials.
email: nogievet@cogx.com, phone: (917) 406-8734
http://www.cogx.com      ||     Cogito Ergo XML

Received on Wednesday, 25 July 2001 23:03:57 UTC