Re: DAML-S expressiveness challenge #2

David Martin wrote: 
> In a DAML-S process description, we need to be able to express the
> following sort of restriction:
>   the set of things whose property P has values in [C1, C2,...CN]
> that is,
>     the set of things x such that, for each property instance P(x, y), y
> is a daml:list whose first element is an instance of C1, second
> element an instance of C2, ..., and nth element is an instance of CN.

Does it have to be a daml:list and is N fixed?  If it doesn't have
to be a list and if we know what N is for each use, an easy solution would
be to restrict values to a new class that has a named, restricted
property for each of the list elements.  To capture the ordering that
is inherent in a list, the properties could be named 1st, 2nd,
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th ... with the obvious interpretation. We'd also need 
to assume (probably) that N is never greater, in practice, than some 
upper limit (e.g. 20).

I guess this would be like creating special classes to represent the lists
of lengths from 1 to 20.  We could call them 1List, 2List, 3List, ... 20List.
Each of these could then be specialized, as needed, by attaching restrictions 
to the ranges of their named elements.

 Tim Finin, Prof Computer Science & Elect Eng, Director Inst. for Global
 Electronic Commerce, Univ of Maryland Baltimore Cty, 1000 Hilltop, Baltimore
 MD 21250. 410-455-3522 fax:-3969

Received on Monday, 16 July 2001 09:06:13 UTC