Re: DAML-S expressiveness challenge #1

On July 10, tim finin writes:
> I'm not exactly sure what David Martin needs to model
> in his work with DAML-S, but here's a simple example
> that I think brings out the problem or at least a related
> one.  I'm basing this on an old example from KL-ONE days:
>    a person is a thing with
>        one home address of type address
>    a worker is a person with 
>        one office address of type address
>    a homeworker is defined as a worker
>        who's home address and office address are the same.
> in logic we would (partially) model this as 
>    homeworker(X) <-> person(X), homeaddr(X,A), officeaddr(X,A)
> What's missing in DAML+OIL (as far as I understand) is the ability
> to express the equality constraint between the values of the two
> properties which is no nicely done with variables and unification
> in many languages.

Actually, this is a nice example of a case that you CAN capture using
the super-role trick I mentioned earlier in this thread. All you need
to do is add the property "address" and state that both officeaddr
and homeaddr are subPropertyOf address. You can then state that a
person is a homeworker iff they have an officeaddr and at most one
address. I.e.: 

officeaddr subPropertyOf address
homeaddr subPropertyOf address

   onProperty officeaddr
   minCardinality 1
    onProperty address
    maxCardinality 1

Regards, Ian

> --
>  Tim Finin, Prof Computer Science & Electrical Eng, Director Inst. for Global
>  Electronic Commerce, U Maryland Baltimore County, 1000 Hilltop, Baltimore MD
>  21250. 410-455-3522 fax:-3969

Received on Tuesday, 10 July 2001 15:18:49 UTC