Metamodeling Architecture of Web Ontology Languages

Dear All,

Ian Horrocks and I recently have a paper "Metamodeling Architecture of Web
Ontology Languages" accepted for the Stanford SWWS
symposium.  Here is the abstract and link for full paper:


Recent research has shown that RDF Schema, as a schema layer Semantic Web
language, has a non-standard metamodeling architecture. As a result, it is
difficult to understand and lacks clear semantics. This paper proposes a fixed
layer metamodeling architecture for RDF Schema (RDFS(FA)) and demonstrates how
the problems of RDF Schema can be solved under RDFS(FA). Based on this
metamodeling architecture, a clear model-theoretic semantics of RDFS(FA) is
given. Interestingly, RDFS(FA) also benefits DAML+OIL by offering a firm
semantic basis and by solving the ``layer mistake'' problem.

Full paper can be found at:

Comments are welcomed.

Best Regards,

Jeff Z. Pan  (Home Page: )

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Received on Tuesday, 10 July 2001 05:12:36 UTC