Re: Bugs in 2000/12 daml+oil reference on DAML collections

"Dickinson, Ian J" wrote:
> Folks -
> There are a couple of problems with the DAML+OIL reference
> ( on the treatment of parse type
> daml:collection.

Not surprising... that was written up at the 11th hour...

> The first problem is fairly trivial. In the section explaining the
> interpretation of the collection node
> (, the empty list
> element is shown as:
>         <rest rdf:resource="nil">
> when it should be
>         <List rdf:resource="nil">

that is: <List rdf:about="...#nil"/>; rdf:resource is used in
propertyElements; rdf:about is used in typedNodes.

The example doesn't show a complete statement. I'd suggest the example
should say:

<Class about="#color">
  <oneOf rdf:parseType="daml:collection">
    <Thing about="#red"/>
    <Thing about="#white"/>
    <Thing about="#blue"/>

and after elimination of daml:collection syntactic sugar, it should
(I'm including all the namespace stuff because I need that to check
it with SiRPAC


<Class rdf:about="#Color">
      <Thing rdf:about="#red"/>
        <Thing rdf:about="#white"/>
          <Thing rdf:about="#blue"/>
         <rest rdf:resource=""/>


Sirpac will show you circles-and-arrows; I'm not sure how long
this GIF will be around, but you can always re-recreate it:

> otherwise the document has an illegal property of a property construction
> (rest of rest).  Another typo is that the final tag should be </List> not
> <List>.  Also, I suspect that the URI 'nil' should have an explicit
> namespace, otherwise every DAML document will have a different list
> terminator.
> The second problem is that it would be nice if we could apply a simple
> syntactic transformation to remove the parseType daml:collection's before
> parsing with a standard RDF parser (as suggested in the reference document).

Yes, that is the idea...

> This is made more difficult because parseType daml:collection is applied to
> both properties and instances in slightly different ways.


> For example, the e.g. in the reference document uses the oneOf property. The
> example translates:
> <oneOf rdf:parseType="daml:collection">
>   <Thing rdf:resource="#red"/>
>   <Thing rdf:resource="#white"/>
>   <Thing rdf:resource="#blue"/>
> </oneOf>
> to:
> <List>
>  <first>
>   <Thing rdf:resource="#red">
>  </first>
>  <rest>
>   ... elided for brevity ...
>  </rest>
> </List>

as above, this should be rdf:about, rather than rdf:resource,

> Presumably, then, the final document contains (or should be interpreted as):
> <oneOf>
>   <List>
>    <first>
>     <Thing rdf:resource="#red">
>    </first>
>    <rest>
>     ... elided for brevity ...
>    </rest>
>   </List>
> </oneOf>
> So the interpretation of the daml:collection attribute on a property is that
> the _value_ of the property is a List.

Yes, that's the idea.

> However, a disjoint axiom also has parseType daml:collection:
> <daml:Disjoint rdf:parseType="daml:collection">
>   <rdfs:Class rdf:about="#Car"/>
>   <rdfs:Class rdf:about="#Person"/>
>   <rdfs:Class rdf:about="#Plant"/>
> </daml:Disjoint>

That's goofy; it should be something like:

   <equivalentTo rdf:parseType="daml:collection">
     <rdfs:Class rdf:about="#Car"/>
     <rdfs:Class rdf:about="#Person"/>
     <rdfs:Class rdf:about="#Plant"/>

though that isn't very idiomatic.

> Since daml:Disjoint is a sub-class of List (which seems like an engineering
> convenience rather than a deep statement about the domain of axioms and
> lists), presumably the correct interpretation is:
> <daml:Disjoint>
>   <first>
>     <rdfs:Class rdf:about="#Car"/>
>   </first>
>   <rest>
>     ... nested list of person and plant ...
>   </rest>
> </daml:Disjoint>
> I.e. the Disjoint instance itself takes the place of the outer List in the
> content of the oneOf property, so the interpretation of daml:collection here
> is that the axiom instance _is_ a list.


> The other alternative is that there should be an intervening property
> between the Disjoint axiom instance and the translated List (and by
> corollary, Disjoints contain lists but are not sub-classes of List), but it
> is not clear what this property would be.

equivalentTo works.

> Either way, a transformation to translate daml:collection's to the List form
> can't be a context-free grammar at the XML level, since it's an RDF
> convention that distinguishes instances from classes from properties. At the
> XML level they're all just elements.  And if we want to do document
> translation pre the RDF parse phase, the only interpretation level available
> is XML.
> Comments welcome, especially if I've missed something in my understanding of
> the specs.

On the contrary; you've been quite insightful; you managed to find the
design despite the inconsistencies in the documentation. ;-)

It didn't occur to me that you could eliminate daml:collection as
a pure XML->XML translation, but now that I think about it, I beleive
you can; parseType only occurs on propertyElements, so a simple
XSL thingy that explodes */@rdf:parseType="daml:collection" (where
daml: can be any prefix bound to the right namespace) into
the List representation should work.

By the way... see also some earlier design notes I made on lisp-style
in case it helps:

  List structure -- an RDF Schema
  Sun, 13 Aug 2000 04:11:26 GMT

I marked that obsolete in favor of some KIF stuff...

The KIF stuff includes some XSL code for munging lists and such.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Friday, 12 January 2001 10:02:34 UTC