Re: rdf:value backwards? [was: a few issues...]

pat hayes wrote:
> This is supposed to be saying that a string  has something as its
> linguistic 'value', but the value comes first. In other words, it's
> saying that the string is a NAME for the thing. So how about
> rdf:nameIs, or (since this is being used with an equality sign which
> conveys the 'is' already) rdf:nameOf or rdf:nameFor ?

The closest W3C-Recommended precedent I can think of
is rdfs:label; is that close enough?

i.e. traditional-kr:Thing is to rdf:Resource
as traditional-kr:Name is to rdfs:label.

Perhaps it's best to exploit that precedent,
but make a new name for this specialized use:

	:lexRep a daml:UnambiguousProperty;
		rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label;
		rdfs:domain xsd:anySimpleType;
		rdfs:range xsd:string.

html:title and dc:title are in the neighborhood there
somewhere too.

"Provides a human-readable version of a resource name."

"This is used to provide a human-readable version of a resource name. "

see also

traditional-kr, e.g. algernon

True Names and Public Names

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Monday, 19 February 2001 14:47:11 UTC