Re: universal languages

Bill, in answer to your question, of San Fransisco invading Boston etc, it
is obvious to me that a "part-of" relation between San Fransisco and Boston
can be established that relates the two previously established OIDs.
 Cheers, Katia
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill dehOra" <>
To: "'Stefan Decker'" <>; "Jim Hendler"
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 4:11 AM
Subject: RE: universal languages

> :I'am only claiming that we need an OIDs to uniquely identify
> :entities on the web. However, the same entity can have multiple OIDs.
> :(and then "equivalent-to" is a great mechanism).
> :But no OID should identify multiple entities.
> :In other words: if I come up with an ID for Boston, nobody should
> :be able to use this as an ID for San Francisco - or at least
> :this abuse should be easy detectable.
> If the city of San Fransisco invaded Boston tommorrow and declared that
> Boston is now part of San Fransisco, which OID should we be using?
> Bill de hOra

Received on Wednesday, 7 February 2001 10:03:08 UTC