RE: Reification

> From: Danny Ayers []
> Can you give me an example of a model that *can* be used to 
> capture the meaning?, amongst others.

> Why does it need to capture the meaning in any case - if machine A
> understands a = !b means 'not' and machine B understands a = 
> !b means 'not'
> why does the data model have to understand for a message to 
> be conveyed?

*If*.  It's a big if.  How do you get both machines to understand?  Either a
standard that includes an understanding of negation in such a form that it
can be used by machines A and B --- the 'meaning' of negation --- or some
bilateral agreement that a particular arrangement of symbols denotes
negation, that is then left open to each party to interpret.  The first
scales when machines C to Z join in; the second does not, as machine C may
be unaware of the special meaning of the sequence of symbols.

		- Peter

Received on Monday, 9 April 2001 10:36:46 UTC