Semantic mail - weekend edition


You cite:

  -- Tim Berners-Lee - Consistent User Interface

Furthermore since the weekend is coming up...

Since 15 or so years back, Swedish people living in metropolitan area
apartments have main entrance door intercoms, so as to let visitors into the
building itself.  You know - like in Seinfeld.

Some engineers figured that as an alternative to wiring up old apartment
buildings they could use the existing telephone infrastructure.  So when you
ring the doorbell for somebody's apartment it actually triggers a speed dial
of the apartment owner's home phone who can then identify your voice and
open the outer door for you with DTMF signals.

A phone owner can forward her phone calls to any other number she chooses
including a cell phone and in order to foil burglars some do so even when
traveling in foreign countries.

Apparently burglars ring serially on doorbells to see who is and who isn't
home.  If anybody answers, the thieves pretend to be Jehovah's Witnesses,
otherwise nobodies home and they know it is safe to break in.

So a Swedish tourist sitting on the beach in Penang can answer a presumptive
burglar's ring on their doorbell and pretend to be in residence, whereas the
burglar will pretend to be a Jehovah's Witness and the homeowner can
honestly say they are not interested one way or another.

If the doorbell is connected to the telephone and the telephone is connected
to the internet (since the homeowner could be equipped to wreck a nice beach
in Penang) and the Internet is connected to the fax and the pager and so on,
then we are redefining the intercourse perimeters of humans.

I think this could lead to

xxxxxxxxxxxx				xp post
           xx				xr telephone
external	xx				xo email etc.
world		xx  one address --> 	xx fax
push    	xx				xi doorbell
	     xx				xe position advantaged devices
xxxxxxxxxxxx 	    			xs any other digiphernelia I have left out

where one-address is the broker of media transmigration
where one-address is an anonymous (gardol?) shield to external world push.

who is calling - posting - sending?	x			x your private life
what is your purpose?			x  one-address 	x your public life
Where is your TTP verification?	x			x your business life

So basically I could phone, email, page, DMarket or ring the doorbell of and you could answer, read, note, discard or open your door
to me according to my purpose and identification, both verified by a TTP.

Could we call this universal addressing?


"The first entry point onto the Internet must always be a telephone booth.
On the Internet you may carry on like Superman, but don't ever reveal that
you also happen to be the mild mannered Clark Kent"

PS.  The first email I ever sent to Dan C was returned on the grounds that
he did not know me!

Received on Thursday, 9 November 2000 11:44:25 UTC