Semantic mail

I disagree with your thinking that email should be treated differently than 
any other form of content  on the Internet.  Surely it is the intended use 
that matters.
When your email and my email get posted here...

..they turn into web pages.  Are these pages not worthy of "tags" on the 
grounds that they originated as mail?

And if these web pages were deemed worthy of tags, when would be the best 
time to mark them up, if not  when they were originally created - as mail.

Perhaps the question is; what "deserves" to be part of the semantic web, 
rather then the form of content it originated in.

I'm beginning to regret the push-pull metaphor since everything in life must 
be a little of both, but nevertheless, infostructures based on semantic 
are not "pushing" information at us, they are making it easier for us (or  
our agents) to  discover  and interoperate at our discretion.  And hopefully 
so it will be
for all forms of messaging, knowledge dissemination, collaboration, business 
procedures  and what-have-you, irrespective the media of creation storage or


Ps: A great deal of meetings are scheduled with the help of email - its just 
that this email is structured in an orderly manner.  See RFC 2445:-)

Pat Hayes wrote:

With respect, I don't see the point in your proposal. Mail (not just
email, but mail more generally) is inherently a push rather than pull
phenomenon. That is why we send things to addresses. If email were a
pull technology it just wouldn't work. Have you ever tried to
schedule a meeting using email? In answer to your query: no, I would
certainly not put such tags into (most of) my email.

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Received on Wednesday, 8 November 2000 13:17:55 UTC