[Conference] DC 2005, Madrid, sept05

Cross-posted - sorry if you get this several times.

The Dublin Core 2005 conference preliminary program [1] is now available,  
as is early-bird registration (before July 15) [2]. Note that a student  
discount is also available to full-time students.

There is also an RSS feed [3] that can keep you informed about the  
conference via your favourite RSS reader (@@note to self - remember to  
subtly mention Opera as an RSS reader in case people aren't already using  
Mozilla, Safari, or a dedicated RSS reader </plug> ;-)

Looking forward to seeing some of you in Madrid,



[1] http://dc2005.uc3m.es/program/program.asp
[2] http://dc2005.uc3m.es/r/registration.asp
[3] http://dc2005.uc3m.es/news_en.rss

Charles McCathieNevile                              chaals@opera.com
          hablo español - je parle français - jeg lærer norsk
   Here's one we prepared earlier:   http://www.opera.com/download

Received on Wednesday, 6 July 2005 17:56:13 UTC