- From: Yannick Toussaint <Yannick.Toussaint@loria.fr>
- Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 09:30:47 +0100
- To: www-rdf-interest@w3.org
Please note that submission deadline has been extended to January 16, 2005. Call for papers TIA 2005 Terminology and Artificial Intelligence Rouen, France April 4-5, 2005 Important dates =============== - Submission deadline: January 16, 2005 - Notification of acceptance: February 8, 2005 - Camera-ready paper: March 4, 2005 ----------------------------------------------- Due to the ever-increasing amount of machine-readable information, institutions, companies and laboratories are facing new problems related to scale effects and the diversity of technical texts. Text has always been considered as an important vehicle for information and knowledge, but it also contains information that is crucial in a decision making process, in scientific or technical domains. Access a large amount of document, identify the relevant documents, archive them, distribute them in a targeted way, identify useful knowledge in the text, compare and confront textual content -- these are amongst others, the tasks that terminology can help exerting. As a result, to bring out innovative solutions, terminology as a discipline should establish cooperative links with related areas, including linguistics and natural language processing, artificial intelligence learning, information sciences and knowledge engineering. Terminology and the other disciplines mutually take enrichment in each other: terminology builds resources that can be used by these disciplines in return. They are able to propose theories, methods and tools for the building of terminological resources (index, terminologies, thesaurus, ontologies). The TIA Conference aims at promoting convergence and synergy among such disciplines and terminology in order to develop and evaluate corpus-processing methodologies. More specifically, pluridisciplinary approaches should be emphasized. Topics of Interest ================== You are invited to submit an original paper with a theoretical, practical or methodological issue on the following topics (the list is non exhaustive) : * Theories of meaning and terminology regarding textual linguistics and ontologies * Methods for automatic recognition of terminology evolution (diachronic aspects) * Automatic and manual acquisition of terminology from corpora * Methods for automatic terminology structuring (identification of relationship between terms, domain recognition) * Use of terminological resources for building and structuring ontologies * Methods and criteria for evaluation and validation of terminologies * Reusability and standardization, comparison and fusion of terminology resources * Problems in multilingual terminology * Applications of computer-based terminology (semantic web, document indexing and filtering, information retrieval, document classification, technological development monitoring, question-answering). The 2005 TIA Conference follows TIA'95 (Villetaneuse), TIA'97 (Toulouse) , TIA'99 (Nantes), TIA '01 (Nancy), TIA'03 (Strasbourg) and is organized by the TIA Working Group (http://tia.loria.fr/). TIA was founded in 1994 under the aegis of AFIA, now AFIA/GdR-13 working group and includes researchers in linguistics, artificial intelligence and natural language processing. Submitted papers (in French or in English) will be reviewed by an international program committee composed of members of the TIA Working Group and of invited experts (three reviews). Accepted submissions will be considered as full papers or as a poster. Program Committeee ================== Chair: Yannick Toussaint (LORIA - INRIA, Nancy, France) Brigitte Biebow (LIPN,Villetaneuse, France) Myriam Bouveret ( DYALANG, Rouen, France) Maria-Teresa Cabré (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Espagne) Farid Cerbah (Dassault Aviation, Paris, France) Jean Charlet (AP-HP, Paris, France) James Cussens (University of York, Grande-Bretagne) Valérie Delavigne (Dyalang, Rouen, France) Rose Dieng (INRIA, Sophia, France) Ulrich Heid (Universität Stuttgart , Allemagne) Fidelia Ibekwe-San Juan (Université Lyon 3, France) Sylvie Lainé (Université Lyon 3, France) Marie-Claude L'Homme (Université de Montréal, Canada) Pascale Sébillot (IRISA, Rennes, France) Monique Slodzian (CRIM-INALCO, Paris, France) Organizing Committee ==================== Organizing chair: Valérie Delavigne, (DYALANG, Rouen, France) Kristina Alexandru-Nicolae (DYALANG, Rouen) Nathalie Avenel (IRED, Rouen) Nathalie Baudouin (DYALANG-PSI, Rouen) Myriam Bouveret (DYALANG, Rouen) Evelyne Delabarre (DYALANG, Rouen) Régine Delamotte (DYALANG, Rouen) François Gaudin (DYALANG, Rouen) Maryvonne Holzem (DYALANG-PSI, Rouen) Philippe Jeanne (DYALANG, Rouen) Mito Katano (DYALANG, Rouen) Aurélie Neveol (PSI, Rouen) Contact : TIA2005@univ-rouen.fr Submission Procedure ==================== The papers should be written in French or English. They must not exceed 10 pages (about 3000 words), font Times Roman 12, single spaced, including figures and references. The following information should be clearly mentionned : - Author name(s) - Affiliation(s), Address(es), fax and e-mail - title of the paper - 5 to 10 keywords - abstract (maximum of 300 words) It is highly recommended to use TIA formatting styles. Electronic submissions (PDF) should be uploaded on the conference site.
Received on Monday, 10 January 2005 08:33:45 UTC