Re: RDF version of IETF RFC metadata (and relationship to FOAF fi les? )

DuCharme, Bob (LNG-CHO) wrote:

>Thanks Dan!

>>which suggests the creator is a 10 character string starting with S.
>>(see ).
>How's this (considering that I'd like to do the identification of the FOAF
>file out-of-line anyway): I do the creator like this
>  <creator rdf:parseType="Resource" rdf:ID="rfc3120N._Walsh">
>    <foaf:name>N. Walsh</foaf:name>
>  </creator>

Hmm... I can't parse that; does rdf:ID work that way? If it meas the same
as this, then we're on the same wavelength:

    <rdf:Description rdf:about="#rfc3120N._Walsh">
      <foaf:name>N. Walsh</foaf:name>

>and then in a separate file I have this,
>    <foaf:page rdf:resource=""/>
>thereby creating an out-of-line link between the resource identifying the
>RFC's author and his FOAF page.

Yes, bingo.

> If this made sense, and the following
>resource described in had an
>ID, the same thing should work for that file:
>  <editor rdf:parseType="Resource">
>    <contact:fullName>Norman Walsh</contact:fullName>
>  </editor>
>Without such an ID in tr.rdf, there's no out-of-line way to create a link
>between the named TR editor and his FOAF file, right?

> If there was, I think
>it would be huge, because such links would make it easier to connect more of
>the RDF out there into an actual web. 
Yes; and we manually maintain a list of our TR editors, so maintaining 
URIs for them
only makes sense.

Dan, trying out Thunderbird on a Mac
hmm... it doesn't seem to have a "bcc on all outgoing mail" option, a 
requirement of mine.

Received on Saturday, 8 January 2005 17:45:34 UTC