Re: Would an Atom-RDF mapping be useful?

Not being an implementor (much), I'll leave the detailed discussion of 
the cost/benefit tradeoffs of RDF in this application to those most 
directly concerned.  However, I have to comment that, with all due 
deference to the author of [1], the notion that anyone needs to learn 
graph theory to grok RDF belongs to humor in the grand manner.  This 
herring is so red it's positively subversive.


Danny Ayers wrote:
> In two recent posts to the atom-syntax list the same basic points have
> been made:
> "Extensibility via a mapping to RDF seems to me to add a lot of
> complexity (most people have never bothered to learn graph theory)
> without any real benefit." [1], "I have not seen any evidence that
> these RDF incantations have any relation to the needs of
> implementors." [21]
> Now I and others believe that the cost side of this can be kept very
> low (actually zero, unless you're writing an extension, in which case
> you'll have rules to follow). What's harder to quantify is the benefit
> to implementors of applications that might use syndication formats
> like RSS or Atom. So I thought I'd go ask where people might actually
> be enjoying similar benefits...
> So, quick questions:
> 1. Are you an "implementor"?
> 2. Would a mapping of Atom to RDF be of benefit to you?
> 3. It what way(s)?
> Cheers,
> Danny.
> [1]
> [2]

Received on Friday, 7 January 2005 20:44:57 UTC