Re: (Fwd) Re: new Semantic Web Interest Group (SWIG) home list, se

On on OSX you can filter using any of the other headers that 
comes with a mail.
(if the headers are not in the predefined list you can add new ones).
This is how I filter the lists myself and it works very well.
It seems so obvious, I would be surprised if other mail readers did not 
offer similar functionality.


On 4 Feb 2005, at 17:33, John Fletcher wrote:

> Sorry, I meant to send this to the list, not to Dan personally.
> John
> ------- Forwarded message follows -------
> From:           	John Fletcher <>
> To:             	Dan Brickley <>
> Subject:        	Re: new Semantic Web Interest Group (SWIG) home list, 
> Date sent:      	Fri, 04 Feb 2005 16:13:57 -0000
> To avoid any confusion I thought I had better let you know the
> following.
> There is another use of SWIG at  which has
> been around since at least 2000.  It has a sourceforge download
> page and also a message list at
> The concern of this other SWIG is software interfacing and the
> software supplied is capable of generating interface code so that
> various languages (python, perl, ruby etc) can call subroutines
> written in C or C++.  Thus it could be a tool used in some
> component
> of Semantic Web software.
> I am a user of it.
> John Fletcher
> Date sent:      	Fri, 4 Feb 2005 10:41:54 -0500
> From:           	Dan Brickley <>
> To:    
> Subject:        	new Semantic Web Interest Group (SWIG) home
> list,
> Forwarded by:
> Date
> forwarded: 	Fri, 04 Feb 2005 15:41:56 +0000
>> Hi all
>> After some previous discussion here and in the Semantic Web
>> Coordination Group, this is a brief note to announce that the
>> Semantic Web Interest Group has a new "home" list,
>> (archives etc at [1]), and an invitation to
>> subscribe. You can do this easily by sending mail to
>> with 'subscribe' in subject line. Please
>> also send 'unsubscribe' to to ensure
>> a speedy migration to the new forum.
>> As I'm sure you all remember, we used to call ourselves the RDF
>> Interest Group, but rechartered earlier this year under the broader
>> name. This move is to bring our main online presence into line with
>> our new identity, and to make it clearer to the world that this
>> group is W3C's primary public forum for discussions relating to the
>> Semantic Web initiative.
>> The list has existed for a while but we never
>> announced/launched it. There are a number of mailing lists
>> associated with the SWIG, but we have always considered one to be
>> it's main or home list. The new home list is in keeping with our
>> new, less RDF-centric "Semantic Web Interest Group" name. RDF
>> remains, of course, very much on topic, but this is a good
>> opportunity to remind everyone that discussion of applications,
>> social impact, reports from online and real-world gatherings, and
>> relationships to other technologies are all very welcome in this
>> forum. RDF is a means to an end; the Semantic Web is that end...
>> So my preference as IG chair is for all discussion to migrate across
>> from to our new home at
>> We did this once before, when the RDF IG was created from XML-DEV's
>> sister list, RDF-DEV. It went suprisingly smoothly. The old list
>> will remain online and I don't plan to switch off the ability to
>> post, but do please make take few seconds to subscribe to the new
>> list. Both lists are archived ([1],[2]) so people can catch up with
>> the migration; I therefore don't encourage crossposting. Let's get
>> this over quickly.
>> Those practicalities again, in full...
>> To subscribe to the new list, just follow our standard procedure[4],
>> ie:
>> Send a message 	To:
>> with		Subject: subscribe
>> Similarly, to unsubscribe from this list (which will discourage
>> crossposts):
>>   To:
>>   Subject: unsubscribe
>> While you're at it, you might take a moment to consider subscribing
>> to some of the other topic-specific lists associated with this
>> Interest Group. These include www-rdf-logic, www-rdf-calendar,
>> www-rdf-rules, public-semweb-lifesci, www-annotation. See the SWIG
>> homepage [5] for pointers to their archives, [4] for detailed help
>> on mailing list tools.
>> Current members of the list (270+, pretty good
>> for an un-used list!) should take a look at the SW IG's charter [3],
>> in particular the note regarding IPR, which I'll excerpt here:
>>    The Semantic Web Interest Group provides an opportunity to share
>>    perspectives on Semantic Web technology and applications. W3C
>>    advises that information shared in the interest group through
>>    mailing list and meetings is publicly visible. W3C reminds
>>    participants to disclose, where known, the IPR status of
>>    information that they share in the Interest Group meetings and
>>    materials, in accordance with Section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.
>> Apologies for the inconvenience of re-subscribing, but I think this
>> was the best thing to do for the group and for public perception of
>> Semantic Web. Thanks btw to everyone for the great discussions and
>> collaborations that have happened on www-rdf-interest over the last
>> five years :)
>> See you on
>> cheers,
>> Dan
>> --
>> W3C Semantic Web Interest Group chair
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]
>> [5]
> ------- End of forwarded message 
> ---------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------
> Dr John P. Fletcher          Tel: (44) 121 204 3389 (direct line)
> Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry (CEAC),
> School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS),
> Aston University,            Fax: (44) 121 359 4094
> Aston Triangle,              Email:
> BIRMINGHAM B4 7ET  U.K.      CEAC Web site

Received on Friday, 4 February 2005 16:36:47 UTC