Re: Upcoming wave of quad/namedgraph implementations ,was: Reification - whats best practice?

Am 10.09.2004 um 13:32 schrieb Andrew Newman:
> The main problem we've had with named graphs is that it can be a pain 
> on a machine that has multiple names or names that change over time.  
> If I create a models based on machine names called 
> "" and then move to another network and 
> suddenly it's "" then all my existing queries stop 
> working.  I now prefer URNs for models not URIs and add a level of 
> indirection between them (I think this has been mentioned before).

The DNS is designed to solve exactly this problem. Using IPs in RDF 
statements is asking for trouble, IMO. I don't think you have to go all 
the way to URNs to avoid this.


Received on Friday, 10 September 2004 14:44:14 UTC