Re: Upcoming wave of quad/namedgraph implementations ,was: Reification - whats best practice?

Hi Graham,

Am 10.09.2004 um 12:23 schrieb Graham Klyne:
> For me, it has always been important in principle to be able to deal 
> with provenance, so allowing graphs or names-of-graphs to appear 
> (somehow) in a graph seems to be a fairly minimal way to achieve this. 
>  I use N3 syntax to represent these structures externally, ala:
>    uri :- { formula }
> where (I think) Trix uses:
>    uri { formula }

TriG[1] allows both of the above. Basically, it's Turtle with these two 
constructs added.

TriX is not an N3 derivate but a very simple RDF-to-XML serialization 
that also supports Named Graphs.



Received on Friday, 10 September 2004 14:37:33 UTC