Re: peer-to-peer schema models: "Users, not designers, create and communicate meaning."

On Tue, Nov 30, 2004 at 08:25:25PM +0000, Jonathan Chetwynd wrote:
> Does anyone know of current peer-to-peer RDF projects?
> By this I am referring to projects where the RDF metacontent or schema 
> is defined over time by users.
> (some people might consider the CD labelling project of this type.)

Giovonni's dbin [1] is exactly this kind of project, where data is 
described by users.

Of course, in a purely "data defined by users" way, there is also 
the OpenGuides. However, these are a web-based wiki, rather than
a local P2P application.
"OpenGuides is a network of free, community-maintained "wiki" 
city guides to which anyone can contribute." [2]

Christopher Schmidt

Received on Tuesday, 30 November 2004 20:57:09 UTC