Re: Partially defined concepts

Ander Altuna/LABEIN writes:

> But then, if australian employee is a just a subclass of employee, we
> can`t define the value of the property nationality. The subclass
> australian employee would have the propertiy nationality without
> defining. Can't we define a subconcept associating a value to some
> properties, so any instance of this subconcept would have some values
> predefined?

You want OWL for this.

    <owl:Class rdf:about=''>
      <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=''/>

With this definition, if you have:

    _:x rdf:type example:australian.

You can infer:

    _:x example:nationality "australian".
David Menendez <> <>

Received on Friday, 14 May 2004 01:43:58 UTC