RE: Incompatibilities in RDQL implementations

> ----Original Message----
> From: Andrew Newman <>
> Date: 6 May 2004 20:55
> Seaborne, Andy wrote:
> > Imy hope is that implementations are relaxed about what they accept.
> > 
> > My current test suite covers old and new syntactic forms for
> > backwards compatibility:
> > 
> > 
> > Check as later versions
> > appear. 
> > 
> > 
> The distinction in QNames is a nice feature - so good that it's worth
> stealing (or reimplmenting) into iTQL. 
> Kowari's implementation of RDQL passes the set of tests distributed
> with Jena 2.1 which was confusingly called "".

Well, I wouldn't want to make too easy, would I?  Actually, it means I last
wrapped up the test suite at 2.0 so I guess it is out of step with the tests
in the download in testing/RDQL/ .  Those, the files not zipped, form the
reference copy as they are exactly what the final JUnit run will have used
for the Jena version in question.  I began wrapping up the tests in to a
separate zip on request so people could get the tests from, not download the whole of Jena, and
to be able to update them separately from Jena versions.

> I'm not sure what the differences are between that and the one
> linked.   

Tests so far have been cumulative.  I add tests as think of new things to
test via bug reports or new features or just plain spotting things that
hadn't been covered; I haven't deleted any IIRC.  The script suite does not
include all the internal tests of the evaluation engine - these are done by
calling directly into the parser to parse part query expressions and then
evaluate them - so it is weak on the value tests.


Received on Thursday, 6 May 2004 17:13:00 UTC