- From: Ying Ding <ying.ding@uibk.ac.at>
- Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2004 10:17:08 +0200
- To: seweb-list@www1-c703.uibk.ac.at, ontoweb-list@www1-c703.uibk.ac.at, semanticweb@yahoogroups.com, <www-rdf-interest@w3.org>, <swws-list@isoco.com>, <esperonto_all@isoco.com>, <deri-all@www1-c703.uibk.ac.at>, dl@dl.kr.org, news-announce-conferences@uunet.uu.net, ontology@fipa.org, sympa@up.univ-mrs.fr, tm-pubsubj@lists.oasis-open.org, topicmaps@lists.oasis-open.org
> * APOLOGIES IF YOU RECEIVE THIS MESSAGE MORE THAN ONCE * >======================================================================== > > CALL FOR POSTERS > > DEADLINE: MONDAY JULY 12 > > > 3rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2004) > Sunday, November 7 -- Thursday, November 11, 2004 > Hiroshima Prince Hotel, Hiroshima, Japan > http://iswc2004.semanticweb.org/ > > > >The vision of the Semantic Web is to make the contents of the Web >unambiguously computer interpretable, enabling automation of a diversity of >tasks currently performed by human beings. The goal of providing semantics >and automated reasoning capabilities for the Web draws upon research in a >broad range of areas including Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Software >Engineering, Distributed Computing and Information Systems. Contributions >to date have included languages for semantic annotation of Web documents, >automated reasoning capabilities for Web languages, ontologies, query and >view languages, semantic translation of Web contents, semantic integration >middleware, technologies and principles for building multi-agent and Grid >systems, semantic interoperation of programs and devices, technologies and >principles for describing, searching and composing Web Services, and more. > >The 3rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2004) follows on the >success of previous conferences and workshops in > Sanibel Island, USA in 2003 (http://iswc2003.semanticweb.org), > Sardinia, Italy in 2002 (http://iswc2002.semanticweb.org), and > Stanford, USA in 2001 (http://www.semanticweb.org/SWWS/). > >The conference comprises a research track, an industrial track and a poster >track, as well as exhibitions, demos and other events. Deadlines for >submissions of research and indutrial track papers has already passed. > >The organizing committee now solicits submission for the ISWC2004 poster >track. Details of the solicitation can be found at: > http://iswc2004.semanticweb.org/CF/posters.php > > >POSTER TRACK SUBMISSIONS >-------------------------- >The Poster Session at ISWC2004 is an opportunity for presenting late- >breaking results, ongoing research projects, speculative or innovative work- >in-progress. Posters are intended to provide authors and participants with >the ability to connect with each other and to engage in discussions about >the work. Technical posters, reports on Semantic Web software systems, >completed work, or work in progress are all welcome. > >Posters are very appropriate for material which is not yet ready for a full >paper submission. > >Authors submit a two page summary or extended abstracts for evaluation. This >MUST clearly demonstrate a relevance to the Semantic Web. Submissions will >be evaluated for acceptability by the reviewers. Decisions about acceptance >will be based on relevance to the Semantic Web, originality, potential >significance, topicality and clarity. > >Authors of full papers may submit poster summaries that emphasize "where >next" with the research presented in the full paper. Such submissions can be >made before or after notification concerning the related full paper, and are >welcome whether the full paper is accepted or rejected. Rejected full papers >will not automatically be considered for the poster track; a separate poster >submission must be made. > >Each poster summary will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers >from the Program Committee and the Industrial Track Committee. Any >additional reviewers will be listed here. > >At least one of the poster authors must be present at the conference, and >attend the poster session. Posters are intended to convey a scientific >result or work-in-progress and are not intended as advertisements for >software packages. > >The summaries of accepted posters will be given to all conference attendees >and published on the conference web site. They will not be included in the >proceedings. > > >Topics for posters include but are not limited to the following: > >- Languages, Tools and Methodologies for Semantic Web Data >- Ontologies (creation, merging, linking and reconciliation) >- Large Scale Knowledge Management >- Data Semantics >- Database Technologies for the Semantic Web >- Semantic Web Middleware >- Knowledge Portals >- Tools and Methodologies for Web Agents >- Peer to Peer Systems >- Semantic Brokering >- Semantic Integration and Interoperability >- Semantic Web Mining >- Semantic Web Services (description, discovery, invocation, composition) >- Semantic Web Inference Schemes >- Semantic Web Trust, Privacy, Security and Intellectual Property Rights >- Semantic Web for e-Business and e-Learning >- Searching, Querying and Viewing the Semantic Web >- User Interfaces >- Visualization and Modelling > > > >IMPORTANT DATES (revised) >-------------------------- >Poster summary submissions - Poster Track: July 12 >Poster acceptance notification: September 6 >Camera-ready poster summaries - Poster Track: September 20 > >The deadlines for submissions are strict: no extensions will be given. > > >SUBMISSION DETAILS >------------------ >Submissions must consist of a camera-ready summary or extended abstract of >the >work to be described in the poster, not to exceed two (2) pages in IJCAI two- >column format. > >All submissions must be made via the Poster Submissions page at the >ISWC2004 >Web Site (http://iswc2004.semanticweb.org/submission/index_poster.php). >Submissions must be in either PDF (Adobe's Portable Document Format) or >PostScript. Contact Jeremy Carroll ( jjc@hplb.hpl.hp.com ) if you have >questions or experience problems with your submission. > >All submissions must be received by July 12, 2004. Submissions which are >late, >too long, or require substantial revision, will not be >considered. Submissions >must be in camera-ready format; gven the tight publication schedule, >revisions >after September 20, 2004 will not be feasible. > >Please monitor http://iswc2004.semanticweb.org/ for further submission >details >or changes. > > >ABOUT THE CONFERENCE VENUE >-------------------------- >The conference will be held at the Hiroshima Prince Hotel, which is a >four-star >equivalent hotel located at the edge of a small peninsula facing the >picturesque >islands that dot the Seto Inland Sea. Hiroshima city has two World >Heritages >one of which is called Miyajima to which fast-boat transportation is >available >at the hotel port. Miyajima has one of the best Shrines to visit in Japan. > > > >CONFERENCE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE >-------------------------------- >General Chair: Frank van Harmelen (Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands) >Program Co-Chairs: Sheila McIlraith (University of Toronto, Canada), > Dimitris Plexousakis (University of Crete. Greece) >Local Arrangements Chair: Riichiro Mizoguchi (Osaka University, Japan) >Industrial Track Co-Chairs: Jun-ichi Akahani (NTT Laboratories, Japan) > Dean Allemang (TopQuadrant Inc., USA) >Posters Chair: Jeremy Carroll (Hewlett-Packard Labs, UK) >Tutorial Co-Chairs: Vipul Kashyap (National Library of Medicine, USA) > Takahira Yamaguchi (Keio University, Japan) >Workshop Chair: Natasha Noy (Stanford University, USA) >Metadata Chair: Steffen Staab (University of Karlsruhe, Germany) >Semantic Web Challenge Co-Chairs: > Michael Klein (Vrije University, Netherlands) > Ubbo Visser (University of Bremen, > Germany) >Software Demonstrations Chair: Stefan Decker (DERI, Ireland) >Sponsor Co-Chairs: Akira Maeda (Hitachi Ltd., Japan) > Massimo Paolucci (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) >Publicity Chair: Akiko Inaba (Osaka University, Japan) > > >--------------------------------------------------------------------- >Best wishes, Riichiro Mizoguchi >The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University >8-1 Mihogaoka, Ibaraki, Osaka, 567-0047 Japan >Phone: +81-6-6879-8415, 2125 >Fax: +81-6-6879-2126(Urgent) +81-6-6879-2123(for large volume) >URL: http://www.ei.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp/ >---------------------------------------------------------------------
Received on Sunday, 20 June 2004 04:12:52 UTC