Re: V 0.5 of Veudas Web RDF Editor is out

Doh! Due to permission problems on the hosted server, the online demo
wasn't saving properly. Should be working now.

(e.g. do a label search for 'veudas' or 'phil')



Phil Dawes writes:
 > Hi RDF Interest,
 > I'm like to announce the latest beta of veudas - my experimental web
 > rdf browsing and editing tool.
 > This release is basically a complete rewrite of the tool. The biggest
 > differences are:
 > - Architecture is now python cgi + javascript
 > - Supports a 'merged view' from multiple rdf stores
 > - New editing functionality enables ad-hoc creation of simple owl
 > ontology on-the-fly as you enter instance data
 > In this release, Veudas does its best to abstract the mechanics of
 > URIs from the user; in particular, it uses rdfs:labels and rdf:types
 > to identify and display resources, and automatically generates URIs as
 > the user enters data. For 'instance' resources (i.e. not classes) this
 > is a done using an opaque random hash added to the configured
 > namespace. For classes and properties this is a constructed URI based
 > on the label given to the resource.
 > When adding properties to resources, veudas generates owl local
 > property restrictions. My experience at work was that global
 > restrictions like rdfs:range and rdfs:domain quickly became
 > restrictive when handling hetrogenious data from lots of places.
 > This release also debuts the ability to have a merged view of data
 > from multiple repositories - one writable store and many readonly
 > sources (number subject to performance). This is to enable effective
 > linking of local data with global ontologies and resources. E.g. a
 > team within a company can link their local data with that of a global
 > company-wide repository. This networked-linking of data is the killer
 > feature of RDF for me, and I want veudas to be able to exploit it.
 > A (slow) online file-based demo of veudas can be found at:
 > The software can be downloaded from:
 > N.B. because of problems with handling bnodes in joseki (joseki can't
 > delete them), veudas doesn't work 100% when using this store for
 > editing. I'm hoping this will be fixed soon.
 > I'd appreciate any comments, feedback and ideas for improvement.
 > Cheers,
 > Phil

Received on Friday, 16 July 2004 16:09:08 UTC