Re: Possible to reduce OWL Full ontology to DL ontology automatically?

Jeremy Carroll writes:
 > Phil Dawes wrote:
 > > Hi RDF Interest,
 > > 
 > > Feel free to shoot me down because I'm way out of my depth here, but I
 > > was wondering:
 > > 
 > > Would it be possible to build a tool that could take an owl full
 > > ontology, infer a set of owl DL compatible assertions and then
 > > remove all the non-OWL DL compatible ones?
 > Yes. But you need a decent set of OWL DL tools to motivate the amount of 
 > work it would be to build such a thing.

True, but it seems that despite there being a lack of DL tools, people
still want to restrict themselves to OWL Lite/DL.  

What's your view on this subject? In the absence of DL tools, should
people be targetting OWL full by default?



Received on Friday, 16 July 2004 07:30:03 UTC