JTRES 2004: Deadline extended to July 11

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                          CALL FOR PAPERS

                      "The 2nd Workshop on
       Java Technologies for Real-Time and Embedded Systems"

             International Federated Conferences (OTM '04)

                             JTRES 2004
                        October  25-29, 2004
                          Larnaca, Cyprus


               Proceedings published by Springer LNCS



Over 90 percent of all microprocessors  are now used for real-time and
embedded applications, and the  behavior of many of these applications
is  constrained   by  the  physical  world.   Higher-level programming
languages and middleware    are needed to  robustly and   productively
design, implement, compose, integrate, validate, and enforce real-time
constraints  along   with  conventional  functional   requirements and
reusable components.

Designing real-time and embedded systems that implement their required
capabilities, are dependable  and predictable, and are parsimonious in
their use  of limited computing  resources is  hard; building  them on
time and   within  budget is  even  harder.   Moreover, due  to global
competition for marketshare and  engineering talent, companies are now
also faced with the problem  of developing and delivering new products
in short time frames. It is therefore essential that the production of
real-time embedded systems can take advantage of languages, tools, and
methods that enable higher software productivity.

Ideally, developers  should use a  programming languages  that shields
them from many accidental  complexities,  such as type errors,  memory
management, and steep learning curves.  The Java programming  language
has  become an attractive  choice because of its safety, productivity,
its relatively   low maintenance costs,  and the  availability of well
trained developers.

Although  its  good   software  engineering  characteristics, Java  is
unsuitable for developing real-time  embedded  systems, mainly due  to
under-specification of thread  scheduling and the presence of  garbage
collection. Recently, to address these problems, a number of extension
to Java   have been proposed,  the two  most representative  being the
Experts  Group Real-Time  Specification   (RTSJ)  for  Java  and   the
J-Consortium Real-Time  Core Extension (RTCore).   The intent of these
specifications is   the   development of  real-time   applications  by
providing several additions such  as extending the Java memory  model,
providing stronger semantics in thread scheduling, and so on.

There is an  increasingly growing interest  in Real-Time Java  in both
the research community and the industry, because of its challenges and
its potential impact on    the development of embedded   and real-time
applications.  Building on the success of the previous edition of this
workshop, our goal is to gather researchers working on  real-time  and
embedded  Java  to identify the challenging problem that still need to
be properly solved in order to assure the  success of the of Real-Time
Java as  a  technology, and to report results and experience gained by

Submission Requirements

Participants are  expected to submit a position  paper  or an extended
abstract  of  at most  10 pages by  the submission deadline.  Accepted
papers  will be  published  along  with  the  OTM 2003  Proceedings on
Springer  Lecture  Notes  on  Computer  Science.  Papers  and extended
abstract should be emailed to Angelo Corsaro at [corsaro@cse.wustl.edu]
make sure that the subject of the email says "JTRES03 Submission".  The
paper should be in either PS, PDF or Word, format.

Topics  of interest to this  workshop include, but are not limited to:

    * Performances, Predictability, Footprint

    * Scheduling Frameworks

    * Feasibility Analysis

    * Industrial Experiences

    * Fundamental developments in the theory and practice of Real-Time
      and Embedded Java

    * Extension to the RTSJ

    * Extension to the RTCore

    * Experience implementing the RTSJ or RTCore

    * Real-Time Java and QoS-Enabled Component Models

    * Tool support for Real-Time and Embedded Java

    * Memory Management Techniques and Garbage Collectors for
      small memory-sized systems

    * Memory Management Techniques and Garbage Collectors for Real-Time

    * Off-line Native Compilers and/or Just-in-Time Compiling Techniques
      Embedded and Real-Time Systems

    * JVM Implementation Experiences for Embedded and Real-Time Systems

    * Worst Case Execution Time analysis & techniques

    * Idiom and Patterns for Java based Embedded and Real-Time Systems

Important Dates

    * Paper Submission:           11  July   2004
    * Notification of Acceptance:  4  August 2004
    * Camera Ready Paper Due:      20 August 2004

Program Co-Chairs

- Angelo Corsaro  <corsaro@cse.wustl.edu>  Washington University
- Corrado Santoro <csanto@diit.unict.it>   University of Catania

Program Committee
* Dock Allen...............Mitre, USA
* Greg Bollella............Sun Microsystems, USA
* Joe Cross................Lockheed Martin, USA
* Ron Cytron...............Washinton University, USA
* Peter Dibble.............TimeSys, USA
* Chris D. Gill............Washington University in St. Louis, USA
* Giuseppe Di Giore........ST Microelectronics, Italy
* Miguel De Miguel.........Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Spain
* Marco Fargetta...........University of Catania, Italy
* Marisol Garca Valls......Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
* Doug Jensen..............Mitre, USA
* Doug Lea.................State University of New York at Oswego, USA
* Doug Locke...............TimeSys, USA
* Joe Loyall...............BBN Technologies, USA
* M. Teresa Higuera........Universidad Complutense de Madrid
* David Holmes.............DLTech, Australia
* Kelvin Nielsen...........New Monics, USA
* Agostino Poggi...........University of Parma, Italy
* John Regehr..............University of Utah, USA
* Martin Rinard............Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
* Douglas Schmidt..........Vanderbilt University, USA
* Jan Vitek................Purdue University, USA
* Andy Wellings............University of York, UK


Eng. Corrado Santoro, Ph.D.

University of Catania - Engineering Faculty
Department of Computer Science and
Telecommunications Engineering
Viale A. Doria, 6 - 95125 CATANIA (ITALY)

Tel: +39 095 7382380           Fax: +39 095 7382397
     +39 095 7382365
     +39 095 7382364

EMail: csanto@diit.unict.it
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Received on Thursday, 1 July 2004 09:27:16 UTC