RE: XHTML and RDF; thinking about Trix, etc

At 10:29 27/02/04 +0100, Jeremy Carroll wrote:
>One way that TriX might replace RDF/XML is, once we have XSLT 2.0 and a
>transform from RDF/XML into TriX (all doable), it is trivial to migrate an
>RDF/XML document into TriX (a one line change, adding a processing
>instruction). Having done that, it is also possible to add your own
>additional transforms. Thus the idea of XSLT as a general syntactic
>extension mechanism can extend from TriX into RDF/XML - whether that would
>be good or not I don't know - a bit like C preprocessor macros - you can do
>a lot, it is very powerful. In particular, you can make your code unreadable
>to anyone other than yourself.

Ah, I spotted a hint of this in the Trix document, but that makes it 
clearer to me.

I'm not sure that it's really helpful, at this time, to even talk about 
replacing RDF/XML syntax (whatever one may believe is actually going to 
happen).  I think it represents a stable foundation, or something that can 
be perceived as such, for building more interesting stuff upon.

But, as I said in my response to Patrick, I think the real gains 
(especially nearer-term) are to be had from simplifying the 
embedding/extraction of RDF information in/from existing XML data 
formats.  And an XML-processor-friendly approach to representing RDF must 
surely help that.  I think it suggests a credible migration from what we 
have now (e.g. ad-hoc extraction of RDF from existing data) to where we 
might hope to be (where the relevant RDF content is generically embedded 
and available in any data format).

There maybe some interesting discussions next week :-)


Graham Klyne
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Received on Friday, 27 February 2004 07:01:34 UTC