- From: <Patrick.Stickler@nokia.com>
- Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 07:11:55 +0200
- To: <dave.beckett@bristol.ac.uk>, <Eric.Jain@isb-sib.ch>
- Cc: <alberto@asemantics.com>, <www-rdf-interest@w3.org>
This is a key question. True. But one that, I think, can have a simple answer. Insofar as TriX is concerned, I myself see graph naming as just that. It is giving a name to a graph. How one chooses to use that name to say additional things about the graph, such as about the source of the graph, or the context of the graph, or the authority of the graph, or its relation to other graphs, or whatever must be done using explicit statements about that graph and is not in any way implicit in the fact that the graph has been given a name. A graph is simply a resource, and naming the graph is simply naming that resource so we can say things about it. Naming a graph is not the same thing as associating a context for the graph. It's just a name. A context will have its own name, and when both the graph and context have names, you can relate them if you like. So to that extent (and Jeremy is free to disagree) being able to name graphs in TriX doesn't in-and-of-itself create any problems, semantic or otherwise. It simply provides the hooks via which folks can get themselves into however much trouble they like. Cheers, Patrick -----Original Message----- From: www-rdf-interest-request@w3.org on behalf of ext Dave Beckett Sent: Wed 2004-02-25 13:04 To: Eric Jain Cc: Alberto Reggiori; rdf-interest Subject: Re: Graph naming? The question of "what does naming a graph/subgraph mean?" seems the first and most important thing to answer. Cheers Dave
Received on Thursday, 26 February 2004 00:12:12 UTC