Re: Fracturing of identifiers (How many "The Matrix" are there?)

> has identifiers for movies, and so does  For examp
> le,
> uses "Top/Arts/Movies/Titles/M/Matrix_Series/Matrix,_The"
> and uses ""
> and there may be others.
> I don't see any of these sites using triples that say one is owl:sameAs the
> other.
> Who is actually supposed to be responsible for sameAs assertions?
> TAP?  Or some third party?

No one is responsible, but lots will benefit if each side does it, and
maybe some others, too.

> Is this in practice a showstopper for useful semantic web searches?
> (This may be FAQ but I couldn't find it.)

The flip side is that you CAN say owl:sameAs on the Semantic Web.

      -- sandro

Received on Monday, 9 February 2004 18:54:19 UTC