Time-sensitive resources using RDF?


A bit of a hobbyhorse I'm afraid, but if you are getting into time sensitive
resources, this is data, not text. It therefore behooves the writer of the
spec to do something about metadata for the data - in particular, units of
measure. I couldn't get onto the grid.ucy.ac.cy schema to see if it said
anything interesting. But when I see <b> 125Mbits </b>, I am led to believe
that the data is not being treated rigorously. One would have expected a
value - with (perhaps) its (computing) type specified through a reference to
a publicly available schema - and (definitely) its units of measure - in a
similar way.


Making this up with an rdf-esque pseudo code (I don't really speak the


>             <rdf:Seq>

>                    <b> 






 And so on

>             </rdf:Seq>


Before you look them up - the IEEE and ISO urls are fictitious - although
similar may exist unbeknownst to me.


The RDF community is seeking rigor for textual relationships but seems to
abandon this when a data element comes along. If rdf is to be used for
machine reasoning (as opposed to an alternative to local flavors of xml - or
even text-described data) then it seems to me that the above is a necessary
requirement. Or maybe I have misunderstood something. 


Neil McNaughton

Editor - Oil IT Journal (www.oilit.com)



Subject: Re: Time-sensitive resources using RDF?


> <rdf:Description>
>    <rdf:subject  rdf:resource="http://grid.ucy.ac.cy/someCluster1" />
>    <rdf:predicate
> rdf:resource="http://grid.ucy.ac.cy/2003/12/GrisenSchema#bandWidth" />
>    <rdf:object >
>             <rdf:Seq>
>                    <b> 125Mbits  </b>
>                    <t>   200412201023 </t>
>             </rdf:Seq>
>    </rdf:object>
>     ......    <rdf:type  rdf:resource =
> "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#statement" />
>    <grisen:validFor> 2004 </grisen:validFor>
> </rdf:Description>
> ....

Received on Tuesday, 21 December 2004 13:34:45 UTC