Re: Reification - whats best practice?

Thomas B. Passin wrote:
> I would like to ask about a subject I tried before but got no real 
> response to.  All the problems that people hope to solve using quads, 
> reification, etc., can be solved if the predicate of a statement were to 
> be an instance rather than a generic type (and such an instance, with 
> its own URI, were not to be used for more than one statement).

Too verbose? Statements about statements are usually less important than 
the statements themselves, which would be obscured somewhat.

Also, if the predicate was required to be an instance, wouldn't there be 
infinite recursion?

P1 n-1 'Foo'
n-1 t-1 Property
t-1 t-2 Property
t-2 t-3 Property

Received on Tuesday, 31 August 2004 06:34:47 UTC