RE: Difference Between rdf:about And rdf:ID?

FWIW, Uche Ogbuchi has written an IBM developerWorks "tip" on this topic
that might be useful:


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Fink, Clayton R.
> Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 7:38 AM
> To: ''
> Subject: Difference Between rdf:about And rdf:ID?
> I am looking for a deffinitive explanation of the difference. It
> seems like
> about only takes filly qualified URIs and ID doesn't.  My question is is
> what is the dfference between:
> <somens:SomeClass rdf:about="http:///">
> and
> <somens:SomeClass rdf:ID="AnInstance">
> ?
> I'm assuming that this is in OWL and that I'm trying to instance the class
> somens:SomeClass.
> Thanks!

Received on Saturday, 14 August 2004 17:06:16 UTC