Re: AW: Literals representing people?



On 2003-09-29 13:21, "ext Leo Sauermann" <> wrote:

> ahhemm,
> this sounds like a sophisticated theoretical discussion here.
> Did anybody of you program with dublin core already ?
> I did, and I looked at this
> dc:Creator
> " Examples of a Creator include a person, an organisation,
>                   or a service.  Typically, the name of a Creator
> should 
>                   be used to indicate the entity."
> thought for a minute about it and dumped it.
> And made my own properties for source, author, etc.
> which have 
> rdfs:range="rdf:Resource"
> (i called it vienna-core :-)
> or look at FOAF by Libby Miller & Dan Brickley
> they had discussion like this:
> "hey, if i have 
> <person> <firstname> "dan", <lastname> "brickley";
> i can identify him and don't need a URI for the person, the person can
> be an anonymous resource and i query it by searching for <firstname> and
> <lastname> match" "no, you have to have a uri identifying him. Use his
> email" "no, email is identifying a mailbox, not a person" (this is made
> up by me but some discussions where like that)
> my idea of this is to find ANY uri that fits to identify a person (also
> a homepage url).
> forget identifying things, people, items, objects by Literals.
> That is over. 
> don't do it. 
> please. 
> in the Semantic Web it is better to identify resources by URIs.
> Thats my experience, because if you do literals , the whole idea of a
> global network of information is gone and will not work. You have to use
> URIs to identify resources, a Person is a resource, so identify it with
> a URI, also reference the resource by its URI.
> A human readable "name" can then by received by querying rdfs:label or
> the like of the resource. Dublin Core will someday change to that,
> (educated guess, I hope they will).
> You can have more than one URI for the same person, and use
> owl:sameIndividualAs to connect them.
> Identify people by email address or any other URI (f.e. homepage) but
> not using Literals.
> if we use literals, everything will be more complicated.
> !!! try it out, write some Jena code and see how you minimize effort....
> !!!
> greetings
> Leo Sauermann

Received on Monday, 29 September 2003 06:37:38 UTC