Re: relationship of rdfs:Literal to rdfs:Resource

> 3. Using only RDF capabilities (e.g. no OWL or custom ontologies), the 
> set of resources referenced by URIs do not intersect with the set of 
> resources we reference using literals.

I think you're confusing the fact that 

   (1) one cannot say formally, in RDF alone, that some URI
       identifies, for example, the integer one.

with the false idea that

  (2) no URI can identify the integer one.   (which would follow from
      what you said above.)

Fact (1) is a simple consenquence of the fact that there is no way to
say formally that any URI identifies *ANYTHING*, literal or otherwise!
RDF alone just doesn't go there.  It doesn't let you bind URIs to
things.  You have to go to human readable documents, OWL, or something
else for that.

     -- sandro

Received on Saturday, 27 September 2003 17:40:26 UTC