Re: Need hint for parsing Open Directory RDF

On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 20:00:05 +0200
Jan Algermissen <> wrote:

> Hello.
> I am trying to parse the Open Directory structures example
> ( ) with raptor 1.0
> and get the following error:
> "Using an element tag without a namespace is forbidden"
> "Literal property element Topic has property attributes"
> The RDF starts like this:
> =============================================
> <RDF xmlns:r=""
>      xmlns:d=""  
>      xmlns="">
> <Topic r:id="Top">
>   <tag catid="1"/>
>   <d:Title>Top</d:Title>
>   <narrow r:resource="Top/Arts"/>
>    ....
> ==============================================
> I tried <r:RDF> but that does not help. I assume that
> the RDF is ok, so could anyone help me to find out what
> I am doing wrong?

The first error message isn't very helpful here - I'll look into that.
The problem is that 'catid' attribute on element 'tag' has no namespace.
That makes this potential property element 'tag' broken.

The second error is about the node element 'Topic' and
r:id which is something in a namespace ""

Despite the name, this is not the RDF namespace URI.
which is
(see documents since 1999).

So in fact the main error is this is not an RDF/XML document, since the
root element isn't RDF in the RDF namespace URI and none of the terms
are RDF ones.

I've looked at the dmoz data dumps before and it's pretty bad; there are
usually lots of XML and Unicode encoding problems millions of lines into
the file.   Don't try parsing that with a DOM :)

There are scripts out there to find and maybe fix the Unicode, XML and
RDF bugs.  You could try
to start.


Received on Sunday, 21 September 2003 19:05:43 UTC